Summer with Saranghae: My Summer Routine


*This is not a sponsored post.

Update 8/23/18: Hey friends, Saranghae just launched their new Perfect Balance Toner with optimal pH! #EXPERIENCETHEBALANCE and check it out! It's a must add to your five-step routine with Saranghae! 

Hi friends! Seasons change, and so does your skin care. Back in NYC, the summers were hot, muggy, and moist (yuck). Here in Seattle, although the summers are milder and cooler, there are scorching days. Ever since we've moved across the country, I've had to change my beauty routine. Cleansing and moisturizing have become super important, and so has spot treatment since I tend to get hormonal acne during certain times of my cycle.

Luckily, Saranghae came to the rescue, just in time for summer! Saranghae means love in Korean. It is a Korean skin care brand that uses unique ingredients such as ginseng, gold, truffle extract, and phellinus linteus mushroom in its products. 

So excited to unbox my Saranghae 5 Step Anti-Aging System and Pore Refining mask. Want to shop for some Saranghae? Visit!

So excited to unbox my Saranghae 5 Step Anti-Aging System and Pore Refining mask. Want to shop for some Saranghae? Visit!

During the fall of 2017, I first started using Saranghae's 5 Step Anti-Aging System. (You can read my first review here.) Since then, Saranghae has created a new cleanser, a nourishing and moisturizing oil and foam formula. You'd think you should stay away from oil cleansers if you have oily skin. Au contraire, mes amis! Oil cleansers are gentle on the skin, moisturizing, and effective in stripping away dirt and make up! (1, 2) Since I sweat more in the summer, I tend to cleanse twice a day, once after I wake up and once before I go to sleep. After cleansing, I will use Saranghae's essence/serum combo to deliver nutrients and hydration to my skin. 

I get lazy, so sometimes I forget to put on eye cream. Before I sleep, I'll use Saranghae's Firm and Lift Cellular Regeneration Cream. My skin doesn't sag and I don't have many wrinkles yet, but it's never too early to pamper your skin!

Pore Refining Charcoal Mask, great for spot treatment.

Pore Refining Charcoal Mask, great for spot treatment.

I like to use masks twice a week. I love Saranghae's pore refining charcoal mask. Anyone else watch pimple or blackhead extraction videos on YouTube? No? Just me? Haha. Anyway, this charcoal mask pulls out the dirty gunk from my pores. (Think nose pore strips, but sans the pain.) On another day during the week, I'll use a luxurious facial mask (whenever Phil is distracted enough that I can sneak in fifteen minutes to relax with a mask on). Saranghae's Elemental Essence Mask retains its moisture throughout the entire application time and is cool and refreshing. The smell isn't overpowering. I wish the mask were slightly thicker and more opaque versus transparent, but that's just a personal preference. 

Obligatory fun photo! My mom says I smile too big... she forgets I inherited her big mouth!

Obligatory fun photo! My mom says I smile too big... she forgets I inherited her big mouth!

#yesFiltered only because no one looks good with a mask on... right? haha. The Pitu app is super fun!

#yesFiltered only because no one looks good with a mask on... right? haha. The Pitu app is super fun!

Has Saranghae helped with my hormonal acne? No. Skin care requires a holistic approach. I'll have to work on bettering my diet, eating even more vegetables and fruits, cutting out carbs and processed foods, and staying hydrated all summer. While I nourish my skin externally, I must remember to treat my inside right as well! Recently, I've been adding collagen peptides to my coffee and starting my mornings with delicious vegan smoothies. 

My summer glow! Good lighting, post-processing of photo with amped brightness. I like my teeth. They're like off-white Chiclets! Funny story, I never had braces, but used to push my teeth together with my own fingers to get rid of gaps. True story, …

My summer glow! Good lighting, post-processing of photo with amped brightness. I like my teeth. They're like off-white Chiclets! Funny story, I never had braces, but used to push my teeth together with my own fingers to get rid of gaps. True story, I was just a kid and my parents couldn't afford braces for me! But my little sister got braces. Lucky brat!


Of course, never forget sunscreen this summer, my friends! Saranghae, you need to come up with an SPF moisturizer or spray, ASAP! 

Want to shop for some Saranghae? Visit!



