Posts tagged social distancing guidelines 2020 for new parents
How to stay healthy, fit, active and sane while social distancing and staying home with your children

Hi friends! I know we’ll get through the COVID-19 pandemic together. Each of us needs to do our part to flatten the curve of spread. We must practice social distancing, continue to wash our hands, stay home when we can, and “cancel everything.” This means not going to happy hour, not going to a bar or club, not eating out, not having playdates, and not going to crowded indoor spaces. When we meet other people, we should stay at least six feet away from them. And if we do have to venture out, and we’re sick, we should wear face masks. This sounds like a lot. Cabin fever seems inevitable. Social distancing and staying at home more doesn’t have to mean we’re to rot at home and go stir crazy. There’s so much we can do, and so many must-haves that will help make our lives easier.

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