Raising Healthy Children: A Guide for Parents

What are every parent’s wishes for their child? Most want nothing more than health and happiness, and while we cannot wrap them up in cotton wool or wave a wand to grant their wishes, we can set them up with healthy habits from an early age. Of course, our busy modern lifestyles mean that we are constantly trying to find a balance between health and convenience, and it is not always an easy task. However, the healthier the example we can set for our children, the easier they will find it maintain a healthy lifestyle as they grow. This guide outlines how parents can establish and nurture healthy living habits for their children in five key areas. 

Balanced nutrition

Proper nutrition is essential for growing children for their physical and mental development, as well as their emotional wellbeing. Establishing healthy eating habits in their early years will increase the likelihood that they will have a healthy attitude towards food and nutrition as adults. Children should be eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, proteins, dairy, and some healthy fats. Ensuring children enjoy a balanced and varied diet with minimal stress can take some creativity and forward planning, so click here for some tips. It is fine for children to enjoy sugary treats, sodas, and fast-food from time to time, as long as they learn about the importance of balance. 

Outdoor exercise and activities

Regular exercise is important at every stage of life for many reasons. Exercise helps us to maintain a healthy weight, improves digestion, strengthens bones and muscles, and it also triggers the release of stress-reducing and mood-boosting endorphins. This means exercise is important for both physical and mental health, but it should also be a source of fun and an opportunity for quality family time. Organize activities that the family can do together such as walking, cycling, dancing, and playing sports. Being outside to exercise is ideal as it also exposes children to sunshine and fresh air, which are also key to a healthy lifestyle. 

Regular health checks

Even children who appear to be in good health should be attending regular check-ups with medical professionals. This includes visiting the pediatrician for an annual examination and any vaccinations they might need, as well as visiting the optometrist (to check their eye health) and the dentist. It is worth keeping a record of their medical history, vaccinations, allergies, and any medications they are on so that you have it to hand in case of an emergency. 

Structured sleep routine

Many people do not realize that children do a lot of growing and developing while they are asleep, so it is vital that children get at least 8 to 10 hours of quality sleep every night. If they are lacking in sleep, they will find it difficult to focus on tasks, they will be lacking in energy, and may be more susceptible irritability and illnesses. Ideally, children should stick to the same sleep schedule to support their body’s circadian rhythm

Emotional wellbeing

While they do not have the same worries as adults, children experience anxiety and stress just like you. They are learning new information, meeting new people, and encountering new challenges nearly every day. They are also navigating the social side of school life, which can have a significant impact on their psychological development and self-esteem. Give your children time and space to talk about their feelings and to voice their worries without fear of judgment. Look out for signs of anxiety or stress and, if you are worried about their mental health, tackle it as you would any other illness by getting professional advice. 

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